Page 2 - Applanix-Corporate-Brochure
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When you trust

            your position you

            can realise your vision

               We live in a complex and dynamic world.

               As your business evolves, you need a partner that can adapt with you and help orient your
               business for success.

               Our systems, software, and solutions are designed for pinpoint accuracy, efficiency, and ease
               of use, supporting applications for mobile mapping, surveying, and autonomous vehicles. Our
               industry-leading sensor fusion technology provides the most consistent and highly accurate
               positioning no matter your sensor stack.

               Like our solutions, we work for you in all environments, applying our deep expertise and passion
               to customise practical solutions that meet your complex needs, whether on the ground, in the
               air, or on water.

               In a dynamic world, trust your position with Applanix.

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